Since the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19; most of the vehicle-owners had their cars parked for many days or some even for many weeks. These led most of the car-batteries to get drained.
And this problem of the batteries getting drained especially exists with the new models of the vehicles. Can you guess why?
This is all because of the completely different electronic systems that those vehicles have. Let me tell you that the new models of the vehicles consume energy even when left at the parking. And that leads the batteries to get consequently.
This is the reason why most modern-day motorists need to jump-start their vehicles. And in-fact; the best solution to get a battery working back again instantly is to jump-start it; may that be by any method; i.e., either by using the jumper cables or with the help of another vehicle.
However, one thing that is common in both of these contexts is that you need to be very careful while performing a jump-start. Else, performing a jump-start can be a very bad idea for your vehicle’s goodness.
Simply stated, performing a jump-start without proper knowledge can lead you to bear a heavy cost for the devastating damages that it may cause to your vehicle. You might be wondering what you could do; right?
Well, having that said, you could cause significant damages to your vehicle if you don’t pay enough attention to the type of battery you use. Moreover, you could also get a key electronic component fried if you don’t follow the proper precautions.
One of the most important things that you need to bear in your mind when attempting to jump-start your vehicle is that most of the jumper cables have a set of clamps one of which is mark red which represents the positive terminal while the other is a mark in black colour representing the negative one.
And if you don’t see them clearly, try wiping off some grime. This will help you see if your battery is dirty.
Do you want to find out the proper way to jump-start your vehicle?
Go through this blog to its end. Here, I’ve listed the best-effective method of giving a jump-start to your vehicle in a well-organized step-by-step manner. Follow all these steps in a manner to give an effective jump-start to your vehicle:

- Get a car that you’ll be using for jump-starting next to the one with the dead battery. Remember to place them closer to one another so that the cables can easily reach from one car to the other.
- Care well enough that the vehicles should not touch one another.
- Check to see if the ignitions on both of the cards are turned off. If not, turn both of them off.
- Now, connect one end of the positive cable with the dead battery’s positive clamp.
- Ask a helper to connect the other end of the same cable with the other battery’s positive clamp.
- Next; connect the negative terminal of the dead battery with that of the good battery.
- Now, get the other end of the negative cable on the vehicle with the dead battery to connect to the ground. This ground can be the engine block or another metal surface away from the battery. Be careful enough not to touch both ends of the cable together while doing so.
- Now, turn the rescue vehicle on. This is the vehicle that provides the electricity to the dead vehicle to get starts.
- Start the vehicle that has a weak battery. It will start. If not, check all of the connections and tighten all of them. Also, clean if required.
- If it starts, let the vehicle with the problem stay turned on for at least 20 minutes. This will allow the battery to get recharge before turning it off.
Still, the vehicle not getting started? There might be another problem. Call a Msa 24/7 Towing LTD in Abbotsford for your help.
Wanna find out the methods to avoid the battery from dying? Open-up in the ‘Comments’ section at the end of this blog. I’ll be telling you how you can prevent your battery from dying.
Are you planning to reach someone who could help you if your battery dies on the way to one of your favourite destinations or in Abbotsford? Msa 24/7 Towing Ltd is always ready to help you whenever you need it.